Blue light blocking glasses

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Having been an online student for the past 2 years, I’ve spent a lot of evenings in front of a computer screen attending webinars/ courses or studying. I quickly noticed that whenever I was on my computer till 9 or 10pm, it would be hard for my brain to switch off and go to sleep. A few months ago, one of my tutors on a webinar was wearing funky looking glasses and I asked her what they were for. She explained that they were blue light blocking glasses, helping her with night light exposure and her sleep. I had to look into it! The company she recommended was Block Blue Light UK. They sell glasses, but also blue light blocking light bulbs and lighting, red light therapy devices and sleep masks. Each device/product has its individual benefits and helps different conditions/symptoms/issues, so it can be a bit of a rabbit hole, but worth it, if it relieves pain and niggles.

My aim was to improve my sleep, so I purchased a pair of their amber glasses. As it was my first time dipping my toes with these, I thought the amber ones would be better, compared to the red ones which are more of a deep dive into that world (everything looks red!). I shall say that it has helped my sleep tremendously. From falling asleep within seconds of my head touching the pillow, to staying asleep most/all of the night, I couldn’t be more pleased. I’ve been talking about those glasses to everybody complaining about their sleep ever since, as I think they are a small investment to getting a restful night. You can read more about the science behind blue light blocking glasses here. They aren’t cheap (after all, something for your eyes, you don’t want to go too cheap!), but definitely a worthy investment. Mine are called SunDown Taylor Blue Blocking Glasses - Tortoise.

If you want some advice or chat to me about my experience with those glasses, don’t hesitate to get in touch! If you're interested in purchasing anything from Block Blue Light, you can use my coupon code: vitalitywithgg to receive 10% off your order.


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