Who am I?
I’m Geraldine, French, but I have been living in the UK since 2013. My friends call me GG, it’s easier than Geraldine!
I’m passionate about food, health, animals, the planet and people.
The reason I’m here today is the fact that most of my family has been/is dying of cancer. They all have different ones, i.e. different symptoms, but still, it’s the same origin: cells replicating too quickly and uncontrollably, creating a cascade of health issues. One had cancer in his bladder, one was in the breast, one was stomach and liver, etc… You see the pattern. I don’t want this happening to me or to the people I love and care for. I also want to do something useful and purposeful with my life and that’s how I came across the Health Coach course from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London (CNM). I’ve enjoyed learning about how the body works, how nutrition can help most people and symptoms/pathologies, how movement is vital for health and how much long-term stress can impact the body.
Regarding my own health, the issues the ladies in my family have always had are linked to digestive health (or lack of). I remember my aunt not going to the loo for a week once on holidays, or my Mum and I many years ago, looking for a public toilet late in the evening in Paris because she desperately/urgently needed the loo. My Mum died of stomach and liver cancer and her symptoms in the last few months of her life were abdominal pain, bloating and constipation. Not very different to what she had experienced most of her life, but more painful, so much so that she stopped going out and ended up spending most of her days on her sofa with her neighbours helping out with her shopping (I was living in England by that time and she was in France). As for myself, I have been known to go for days without needing a poo or on the other hand, suffering from diarrhoea for no apparent reason. I’ve discovered 10+ years ago that I have a wheat intolerance and changing my diet has changed my life for the better. Mum never wanted to get checked and went on living a life of constipation/diarrhoea, bloating and dying young probably because of it. Such a waste, shame, loss and I wish I’d convinced her to get checked and, if needed, to change her diet. A gluten intolerance when you’re French is hard, due to all the lovely yummy baguettes and croissants on every street corner, but it’s doable, and it would probably have relieved a lot of her symptoms. It’s too late for her now, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t help other people with their own digestive issues…
Being constipated or having diarrhoea from time to time is not a problem, but when it becomes chronic and starts affecting your day-to-day life, something needs to change.
If that’s the case for you, please get in touch, book an appointment and let’s see what we can do to help you get back to vitality!